It's hard to believe that it's been nearly two months since I posted here, but time flies when you're distracted. The cares of this life, and the trials and difficulties pulling on my time and energy derailed me from staying focused on what God wants me to focus on. I don't count the time as a loss though, because it revealed some things to me. Most significantly, that only "one thing is needful" to keep me focused on what is important, and experiencing God's good and abundant life .

Giving God Pleasure
I'm convinced that one of the best ways I can give God pleasure is to give Him my heart, my attention. To sit in His Presence and hear His words, and learn of Him. To make my relationship with Him my number one priority. Jesus repeatedly stated this throughout His ministry. "Dwell in Me, abide in Me, remain in My words." He said that if we did, we would have abundant life, know the truth that would give us freedom, and we would bear the fruit of His life in us. He said our prayers would be answered, whatever we asked would be granted.* It's His pleasure to give us all the good things of His Kingdom, all that He is and has (Luke 12:31-32). But, He says we have to make Him and His Kingdom our first priority.

Do The One Thing Needful
I include myself when I say, let us not get so distracted with the busyness of life, or the allure of things of this world where we don't tend to the "one thing needful". He is so much more valuable and satisfying than any of the other things we place in priority above Him. How His heart must yearn for our devoted attention. He loves to give to us, of Himself and all that He has. And, when we are filled to overflowing with Him, His words, and the truth they embody, we can receive what we need of Him and bear fruit that will bless others.
* Luke 10:41-42 "Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things: but one thing is needful; and Mary has chosen that good thing, which will not be taken away from her."
* John 15:4-8
John 8:31-32