Saturday, June 9, 2012

God Is Our Home

     I was sitting on my porch the other morning, enjoying the cool breeze before the blasting hot air of the rising sun took over the day.  Some dogs began to bark off in the distance at a neighboring property, and one of my cats came running out from under a bush across the yard toward me. Swiftly and without hestitation he ran up into my lap for refuge, which I immediately rewarded with a secure hug and comforting words.  I thought to myself, "I am this little creature's safe haven.  I am his home base."   It reminded me of the secure and comforting place we have in our intimate relationship with the Lord.  He IS our refuge, our hiding place... our Home.

     Many years ago, I had become disillusioned by some leaders in the church, and disappointed by some misunderstandings I had regarding certain teachings.  I let it affect my relationship with my heavenly Father. I didn't spend much if any time in communion or prayer, or reading His word, or fellowshipping with other believers.  I was bitter and blaming God for my pain.  Eventually I began to feel empty and disoriented inside.  But, when I finally turned to Him acknowledging that I had been wrong to blame Him and didn't want to be distant from Him anymore, I felt an overwhelming sense of  "coming home".  I had come back into that place of safety and comfort and being loved.  I didn't hear any rebuke, or words of  correction from Him.  There was only a deep sense of being home.

He Is Our Home

    He IS our place of refuge, our safe haven, our place of belonging, and being loved.   Just as a home is meant to be. When we're outside of Him, not in that close and accepting relationship, spiritually wandering about on our own, it gets lonely and difficult, and can even become dangerous.  The Psalmist says He is our secret place, and our hiding place.*  In many instances he refers to the Lord as his refuge, and the place where he loves to dwell.* 

    I don't know about you, but this is really big for me. This world is getting darker, and more hostile and dangerous.  And though friends and family do provide a certain level of belonging and love, they can fail, and disappoint, and leave us.  But God... He is always there, always with open arms, and always love.  He's promised to NEVER  leave us or desert us. (Deuteronomy 31:6, Matthew 28:20)  And since He has always existed, and always will, our place in HIM, in His House, will always be there.

     I know some of you reading this may not have a good place to call home.  Maybe it's not safe or comfortable at home.  But, there is one place, one Person who will always be there, always have open arms, pure love and acceptance, and provide total safety for you, and that is our God.  I would encourage you to turn to Him and find your hiding place, your Home in God.  Let Him reveal to you His love and acceptance, and find that place of belonging.  Jesus illustrates this beautifully for us in a wonderful story of a young man in Luke 15:11-32.   

* Psalm 91; Psalm 32
* Psalm 27

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